Using by-products for prevention of sulphide oxidation in reactive mine waste – a feasibility study

Reclamation and environmental performance


Luleå tekniska universitet


Boliden, Dragon Mining

Lena Alakangas



Purpose and goal
The feasibility study aimed to compile the available residues and wastes, mainly in Sweden, focusing on falling and stored quantities, their chemical, physical and technical characteristics. The aim was also to discuss the logistics and economics for transportation of these materials. The results were the basis for assessing whether some residual products could be used in remediation and inhibition of sulphidic tailings. A report entitled “Kartläggning av restprodukter för efterbehandling och inhibering av gruvavfall; funktion, tillgång och logistik” has been produced.

Structure and implementation
The project has been relatively time consuming, and involved personal contacts with enterprises combined with literature studies. Project and Steering Committee comprised of people from Luleå University of Technology, Dragon Mining, Boliden, Ecoloop, Processum and Ramboll. A number of people have worked directly with mapping data and write the report. During the work the results have been discussed within the project group and steering committee. The arrangement has worked well and the timing was reasonable.

Expected results
The result was, as planned, a report entitled “Kartläggning av restprodukter för efterbehandling och inhibering av gruvavfall; funktion, tillgång och logistik” where residues have been identified and reviewed, and where critical factors for specific functions in remediation of mining waste identified. The report will be available at Luleå University of Technology in the spring of 2014. The project has led to a proposal for a research project.
