Apply for the Booster Call to get financial support and access to the EIT RawMaterials partner network to scale-up your business!
The EIT RawMaterials “Start-up & SME Booster Program” is one of the EIT RawMaterials funding instruments dedicated to supporting third parties’ activities, such as business creation by idea holders and growth support by start-ups and SMEs. It provides support to start-ups and SMEs to develop innovative products/services that can produce an impact in the raw materials sector or benefit our partners.
Start-up & SME Booster Call 2019 is open all year long. For the sake of clarity and to ensure a smooth selection and operational progress of the selected Start-ups and SMEs, three cut-off dates for proposal submission will be organised. The cut-off dates are 15 March, 14 June and 20 September.