Improved resource efficiency through dynamic loading control II


Luleå tekniska universitet


Anna Gustafson



Purpose and goal

The aim of this pilot project is to improve loading and resource efficiency in sub-level caving (SLC) mines. The objectives of the project are to: Install and evaluate the new economic model for loading control in Giron (LKABs Mine planning and information system). Validate the economic model through the developed probability model. Develop a new graphical user interface (GUI) for dynamic loading control in WOLIS (LKAB’s wireless online loading and information system). Implement the GUI and economic model in WOLIS for selected LHDs. Evaluate and modify the GUI in WOLIS.

Expected results and effects

Expected effects: Reduction of ore loss, optimized mining processes, increased job satisfaction, integrated process control and increased degree of automation. Result: Optimized loading control with reduced ore loss and waste rock dilution, resource conservation and more efficient mining processes. The new draw control strategy simplifies and visualizes the overall draw point performance and helps mine personnel to make more informed decisions on how to load.

Planned approach and implementation

This pilot project is linked to, and continues the development initiated in “Improved resource efficiency through dynamic loading control” towards the commercial application of the result. It is based on three work packages; WP-1, which includes project coordination and administration; WP-2, which focuses on implementation of the newly developed loading control model in Giron, and WP-3, which focuses on model implementation in WOLIS on selected LHD machines.
