Enterprise and Energy Ministers in roundtable talks on fair and sustainable supply of raw materials


With the green transition, demand for metals and minerals is increasing rapidly. This provides great opportunity for socially and environmentally sustainable growth, but with the increased need, consideration must also be given to the environment and work environment around the world. Consumers and companies should be able to choose products where metals and minerals have been mined in a fair and sustainable manner.

On Tuesday, The Minister for Enterprise and Energy Ibrahim Baylan, together with Finland’s counterpart Katri Kulmuni, invited to round table discussions on sustainable supply of raw materials and long sustainable value chains. SIP STRIM’s Program Director Jenny Greberg was invited together with representatives from Svemin, Northvolt, SEI, Scania and from the Finnish companies Finnish Mineral Group, Keliber and Terrafame.

During the meeting, Jenny Greberg highlighted the need for major investments in innovation, which received great support from other representatives who confirmed that it is crucial to achieve the challenging goals. Svemin’s Environment Manager Lars-Åke Lindahl presented the project Traceable Metals for a Sustainable future financed by SIP STRIM. Traceability is a necessity for certification and is an important step towards enabling consumers to make conscious and well informed choices.

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