Environmentally friendly, oil-free lubricants

Purpose and goal The purpose and the goals of this project have been to investigate and validate using Sustainalube’s lubricants in applications related to raw materials and mining. Sustainalube’s lubricants have been tested…

Enhanced mining safety by rock bolt monitoring

Purpose and goal The primary aim of the project was to develop a prototype system for testing in the mining environment and to carry out lab and field tests in a mine. Secondary…

Dynamic rock bolts for the people, the environment and the economy

Idetävlingsvinnare 2015 Purpose and goal The purpose and goal of this project was to take NMP’s dynamic friction rock bolt to the market for validation that the rock bolt significantly reduced the risk…

Seismic image with hammer drilling as source: SIHDS

Purpose and goal To test if the signals from the Wassara hammer can be used for seismic imaging of the surrounding rock. The reason for this is twofold. The hammer is expected to…

Phoenix mine drone

Purpose and goal We have focused in the areas below with very useful results for the development of the future Phoenix mine drone: 1. Propeller aerodynamics 2. New drone concept. 3. Increase the…

Estimation of the stress state from stress-induced failures and data from drill core

Purpose and goal The aims of this pre-study are to: 1. Constrain the state of stress from stress-induced failure (SIF) and drill core data from 1.0–1.8 km depth in the LKAB mine in…

Development of a numerical modeling method for assessing the risk of seismically induced damage in deep mines

Purpose and goal The purpose of this project is to improve mining safety, decrease damage to mine infrastructure and mining equipment, decrease production disturbances and reduce ore losses caused by dangerous rockburst events….

Estimation of the risk of rockfall and optimisation of rock reinforcement in deep underground mines

Purpose and goal The aim of this project is to improve safety and productivity, and reduce the ore losses, dilution and the amount of waste rock by improving the ground control strategy. Objectives…

Tracking and Control of Articulated Machines through Remote Sensing

Purpose and goal A key enabling technology for remote machine operation is the ability to estimate and control the full machine state. In the TracMac project we will devise and implement novel methods…