Field test of FBG-based sensor system – beneficial for industry and society

Purpose and goal The project intends to further the development process, to get closer to product and commercialisation of an FBG-based sensor system for measuring bedrock movements. The project has three main objectives:…


Purpose and goal The main objective of the proposed project is to increase the overall production capacity in large open-pit mining. This is done by adapting the findings from Face-to-Surface I, and extending…

Face-to-Surface II – Improved production efficiency in sublevel caving

Purpose and goal The objective of the proposed project is to increase production capacity and reduce production cost for sublevel caving mines by optimising fragmentation, using optimised blast hole sizes, improved chargeability, new…

VRSE system

Innovation Idea competition winner 2017 Purpose and goal Investigate and determine a business model, monitoring system and management system for virtual training scenarios that gives the user ability to see and measure the…

Accurate indoor and underground positioning

Innovation Idea competition winner 2017 Purpose and goal The goal was to investigate the use of position information like GPS in vulnerable environments such as mining and industry, as well as developing evaluation…

ReLoad: Robot-aided long-term autonomous drilling

Purpose and goal The pre-study resulted in a concept configuration of a drilling rig with autonomous reloading capacity. The design was verified both using kinematic simulations, as well as a part of a…

Data driven innovative production drilling

Purpose and goal The Strategic innovation programme for the mining and metal producing sector aims to strengthen the competitiveness of the mining sector and contribute to sustainable development. This project clearly shows the…


Purpose and goal The project has reached most of the goals. Partly achieved is only P2 in which we identified solutions but did not implement them in Boliden. All other goals are considered…

Development of closing and reopening criteria for seismically active mines

Purpose and goal The objectives are to address directly and indirectly following: 1. Improved model of seismic hazard based on interpretation of seismic data in combination with data from stress indicators. 2. Improved…