8 reasons events are part of our innovation strategy 


In total, Swedish Mining Innovation has attended or organised close to 300 events, ranging from field trips, to seminars, conferences, pitch competitions, awards and networking get-togethers. As such a substantial investment of time and resources for innovation programmes, what does the experts say about events? Are they worthwhile and why?

Johan Bergström has worked in innovation management and technology transfer for more than a decade and holds certifications from RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) and University of Texas.

– Events play a crucial role in strengthening innovation ecosystems by facilitating knowledge sharing, collaboration, resource access, problem-solving, trust-building, policy influence, trend awareness, and promoting a culture of innovation. As our world becomes more complex, and technology is rapidly becoming more advanced, it is crucial that we focus on nurturing and growing the innovation ecosystems, Johan explains.

8 reasons why you need events for innovation

Knowledge Sharing and Networking: Stakeholder events provide a platform for diverse participants, including researchers, industry leaders, policymakers, and entrepreneurs, to share knowledge and insights. This exchange can spark new ideas and collaborations that drive innovation.

Collaboration and Co-Creation: These events often facilitate collaborative efforts and co-creation among different stakeholders. By working together, stakeholders can combine their expertise and resources to develop innovative solutions that might not be possible in isolation.

Access to Resources: Stakeholder events can help participants access crucial resources, such as funding, technology, and mentorship. These resources are often pivotal for the development and implementation of innovative projects.

Problem-Solving: Bringing together a diverse group of stakeholders allows for a multifaceted approach to problem-solving. Different perspectives can lead to more comprehensive and effective solutions to complex challenges, enhancing innovation.

Building Trust and Relationships: Regular interaction at stakeholder events helps build trust and strengthen relationships among participants. Trust is a critical factor in collaborative innovation, as it encourages open communication and risk-taking.
Policy Influence: Stakeholder events can also influence policy by providing a forum for discussing regulatory barriers and proposing policy changes that support innovation. Engaging policymakers in these events ensures that the regulatory environment evolves to meet the needs of innovators.

Spotlighting Emerging Trends: These events often highlight emerging trends and technologies, helping participants stay ahead of the curve. Being aware of and understanding new trends can drive strategic planning and innovative thinking.

Encouraging a Culture of Innovation: By consistently promoting the importance of innovation and showcasing successful examples, stakeholder events can help foster a culture of innovation within organizations and broader ecosystems.

What are the keys to successful innovation events?

Swedish Mining Innovation’s strategy is to expand the stakeholder community and promote inclusion through hosting and supporting a variety of events. Cathrine Svakko, project manager at LTU Business and programme coordinator in Swedish Mining Innovation plays a pivotal role in delivering events that a busy audience will make time for in their diaries. With a background in the events sector, she has seen business events by the dozen. What’s her top priorities when putting on an event?

– Firstly, listen to and know your audience so that you create a compelling programme and coordinate the timing of the campaign and the actual event so that it works for them. Beyond the content it is crucial that whatever the format, people get energized so make sure it’s interesting, inclusive and dynamic. Surprise the audience or evoke emotion, within reason of course. You also don’t want to leave anything to chance, but be well prepared down to the last detail. It’s often the details that create the magic no one expected. Finally allow plenty of down-time for people to connect and re-connect.

Our recurring innovation community events

Swedish Mining Research and Innovation Day. Annual conference with lectures, panels, networking and showroom.

Study trips tailored for distinctive stakeholder groups such as graduate students, PhD students, entrepreneurs and senior industry professionals.

Thematic seminars and networking events for academia and industry to broaden the community and ignite new collaboration.

Innovation Idea competition: Elevating startups and SME’s importance and input to the community.

Programme Day: Showcasing milestones and achievements within our stakeholder community.


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