Accelerating innovation with strategic agendas


Metals and minerals are crucial for achieving the Agenda 2030 goals, and Sweden is pioneering the development of sustainability in the mining and metals sector. To secure our position – and show global leadership – Swedish mining companies, technology providers, universities and research institutes have jointly developed strategic roadmaps for key challenges such as innovation, biodiversity and competence.

The aim of sector-wide roadmaps is to jointly define the challenges, objectives and activities that are most critical and describe how they will strengthen the competitiveness of a sustainable and responsible mineral and metal-producing industry in Sweden. Swedish Mining Innovation has supported and co-authored roadmaps for:

Research & Innovation

The purpose of this national research and innovation agenda is to bring research and innovation needs of the Swedish mineral and mining industry, the metal extraction industry and equipment suppliers to the fore. The agenda is revised every third year and was well received when last published in 2022:

Cecilia Sjöberg, Head of Industrial Development at Vinnova, the Swedish Innovation Authority at the time said:

“Research and innovation collaboration are crucial to accelerate the adjustment that is necessary for the future. This agenda is a good example of the broad support and unity that is characteristic of Sweden as an innovation country and which means that we are at the forefront internationally” – Cecilia Sjöberg, Head of Industrial Development at Vinnova.

Read the research and innovation roadmap here.


Mining with Nature, the first national strategic roadmap for biodiversity in the mining sector was published in 2020, led by environmental experts at Ecogain in partnership with industry representatives* and Swedish Mining Innovation.

“The Swedish mining industry is considered the most sustainable in the world, thanks to efficient production methods, lower emissions than the industry in comparable countries and a good working environment. Sweden has a responsibility and a unique opportunity to show global leadership” – Katarina Nilsson, expert research and innovation at Svemin, the mining and metals trade association.

Read the biodiversity agenda here


The mining sector is in the middle of a dual digital and green transformation of enormous proportions – meanwhile for it to be successful, attracting the right skills to the sector is critical. The agenda for competence (Kompetensfärdplan) provides an overview of urgent priorities and recommendations for industry, government and educational stakeholders.

Read the Kompetensfärdplan here (in Swedish)

Impact and future

Sweden is one of the world’s leading nations in mining innovation. The mining companies are world leading in terms of productivity, both underground and at the surface, thanks in large to strong providers of technology and systems.

There is a longstanding tradition of collaboration between mining companies, technology and systems providers, research institutes and academia. This collaboration has laid the foundations for strong innovation and successful, internationally competitive companies. The roadmaps enable stakeholders to become even more aligned in driving innovation strategically and solving fundamental challenges to meet the needs of a sustainable society.

“Access to sustainably produced metals and minerals is crucial in order to create a sustainable society. They are needed to build new infrastructure, batteries, electric vehicles, solar panels, wind turbines and other hardware to enable green electricity supply, electrification and digitization.
The agenda encapsulates the most important challenges to solve, and creates a clear direction for research and innovation work going forward” – Charlotte Andersson, program director Swedish Mining Innovation.

Swedish Mining Innovation has played a pivotal role by enabling and facilitating the development and continuous revisions of these roadmaps, as well as translating them into real innovation iniatives and projects through calls and other activities organized by the program office.

* Boliden, LKAB and Svemin.


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