Education in Gender Equality in the Industry

This is a digital education for gender equality work and inclusive innovation. We recommend everyone who applies for funding from the program to take this training.

About the platform

The mining industry is an important part of society, influencing the norms that exist both within and outside of the mine’s activities. By applying a norm critical and gender aware perspective, Swedish Mining Innovation and RISE Research Institutes of Sweden aim to create conditions for a long-term sustainable industry that maintains global competitiveness by attracting skills from both women and men.

We want to increase the knowledge and willingness of the projects to work more inclusively to speed up innovation, create attractive workplaces and at the same time contribute to gender equality and diversity in projects financed by the Swedish Mining Innovation. In close cooperation with Swedish Mining Innovation, RISE develops a training package consisting of self-instructive e-learnings and individual coaching for those who will write and apply for projects at Swedish Mining Innovation, providing what we call “A Learning Journey” with tools and training materials for the innovation projects.

Our hope is that the experience will get us more applications with a better turnout on gender equality and inclusion. And we know this will give us better projects and more innovation in fields we have not thought about before. The platform is built to engage – so we hope you feel engaged and enlightened in how to create better applications, broader innovative solutions, and widen your perspective. Join in to be a part of creating a more equal and prosperous society.

Link to the education


