
Our annual call is open!

SIP STRIM annual call 2019 has opened! We can finance pre-studies, full-scale projects and pilot projects that lead to sustainable development in the mining and metal producing industry.  Information


The 15th Bergforsk and STRIMdagarna

On 15-16 May, the 15th Bergforsk- och STRIMdagarna was held at Kulturens hus in Luleå. As usual, the well-established conference attracted a broad audience from Sweden’s mining and minerals industry, as well as…


Release of the strategic research and innovation roadmap for the swedish mining, mineral and metal producing industry

The new strategic research and innovation roadmap for Swedish mining, mineral and metal producing industry was released this morning on the fifteenth version of Bergforsk- and STRIMdagarna. The roadmap, which is updated every…


The first five innovation programs to undergo six-year evaluation

During 2019, the five strategic innovation programs that started in 2013 will undergo their six-year evaluation. The financiers, Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency, have appointed Faugert & Co for a thorough…


New Program Director at SIP STRIM

At the beginning of 2019 Jenny Greberg became the new Program Director for SIP STRIM, the strategic innovation program for the mining and metal producing industry. Jenny, who has previously been Head of  Technology…


Cross SIP collaboration within project support

In the autumn of 2018 a cross SIP collaboration was established by initiative of SIP STRIM. By creating a platform for collaboration, we can map out what efforts are being made today, develop…


Introduce a Girl to Engineering-Day (IGEday) – 29 March 2019 (swe)

Det här är ett arrangemang som anordnas runt om i hela Sverige för alla tjejer och icke-binära i åldrarna 13-19 år av WomenEngineer. Syftet med IGEDay är att visa upp arbetsplatsen och inspirera tjejer…


The winners in SIP STRIM and EIT RawMaterials innovation idea competition – these innovators will receive SEK 600,000 to realize their ideas

At the beginning of the year, just over 30 contributions were submitted to the innovation competition, which aims to strengthen the Swedish and European mining and metal industry. Based on these, the jury…


The winners in SIP STRIM and EIT RawMaterial’s annual innovation idea competition

More than 30 applications was submitted to SIP STRIM and EIT RawMaterials yearly innovation idea competition. The jury picked out the twelve most innovative ideas to be pitched at the pitch event at…
