Distance, Awareness and Orientation: Exploring Augmented Reality Applications for the Deep Mining Industry


Boris Design Studio AB


RISE, Mine tec HB

Anna Karlsson



Purpose and goal

Augmented Reality (“AR”) makes it possible to add a digital layer between the user and the reality. The technology is already being implemented in all kinds of user contexts, but the potential hasn’t yet been explored for the mining industry. An AR application specifically designed for the mining industry could be used for sharing location-specific information, to indicate where equipment is or what happens in the next room or corridor. It could also be used to support safe behaviour or to connect to work orders and not the least to support a more complex positioning system.

Expected results and effects

Through deploying AR technology we want to explore if we could create a closed location system without the need of GPS trackers (only work outdoors), beacons (un-precise location) or wifi and still determine the position of a given user. We will also investigate suitable AR markers in this specific context. Imagery, colours and shape have the power to change the perception of an area and have great potential when it comes to creating attractive workplaces. This pre-study will also help define the project partners as well as the structure of applying for- and executing a pilot study.

Planned approach and implementation

By mapping possibilities and challenges, we build an understanding of the demand, as well as what is available on the market today. Method: state of the art research, testing of existing AR applications, study visit to Boliden to understand the user context. We are also planning interviews with our users, the mine workers: What is the desired functionality? Finally, we will develop potential AR concepts based on our findings. The concepts will state the technical framework along with the functionalities we want to explore. We will consult AR specialists to check concept feasibility.

More information

Presentation from SIP STRIM program day 2019
