On-line monitoring of chemical composition of iron ore with laser-based optical spectrometry

DigitisationIron oreLaser based optical spectrometryOn-line monitoringResource characterisation


Swerea KIMAB


RISE Acreo

Arne Bengtson



Purpose and goal
The overall objective of the project is to provide a fast, cost-effective technology for on-line monitoring of the chemical composition of iron ore. This pilot study focuses on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS). Project objective: A reliable, cost-effective laser-based method for on-line analysis of iron ore. Support for the construction of an industrially adapted prototype for long-term testing.

Structure and implementation
A LIBS test facility is set up at Swerea KIMAB AB. The system is mounted on a short conveyor belt to simulate an industrial process line. Calibration is performed with iron ore samples of known composition. Methods of classification will also be tested. Verification is carried out in the test facility with a number of ore products from different parts of the production process. Attempts are being made for longer periods to evaluate the system’s long-term stability. Based on the test results, a detailed specification for the construction of an industrial prototype is developed.

Expected results
The expected results are quantitative data on expected performance of LIBS on-line monitoring of chemical composition of iron ore. Performance refers to analytical accuracy, short- and long-term precision and reliability with regard to maintenance needs. In addition to this, the project will provide the necessary knowledge to build a LIBS prototype system for this application. If the project goals are met, the expected effect is more cost-effective processes and increased quality in the production of iron ore and pellets.
